Photograph of ten men standing in front of the Dawson City Hotel. The sign above the door reads: "The Bon-Ton Chop House Private Rooms - Ladies Turner and Anderson. Props." A smaller sign below reads: "Licenced * Retail Fermented and Spiritous Liquors". Small posters to the left read: "Paystreak Locator A New Invention **** William Joel." There appears to be a menu behind the man on the right. First Avenue later known as Front Street.
Caption: First Avenue
Dawson of To-day. Leading Business Firms Recommended to the Public. 1901. Limited edition photographic album containing 33 original contact printed photographs of carious Dawson businesses of 1901. The mounted photographs are captioned with short typeset paper inserts giving business location and other valuable details. Because of a dismantled binding, the exact sequence as well as the original total number of photographs cannot be ascertained without comparison to an intact portfolio.